Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Finished our monthly shopping yesterday. Groceries=almost $400, instead of my normal @ $250.00. Pretty good indication that prices are going up recession or not. The only meat I bought was a package of chicken and 6 cans of salmon. I'm still in shock. On the other hand, I haven't used up all of my yearly Blue Cross drug coverage. I picked up 3 months worth of one kind of pills yesterday and it only cost $33.00. Without coverage it would have been closer to $200.

Did some more stash sorting yesterday. Sometimes wonder if I'm not just movingit from placeto place! I keep wondering if this is my way of procrastinating, but my wrists have been sore lately,and there's really no way I should be sewing. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to do with the stuff I want to get rid of. Last time I bundled it up into large plastic bags and sold it off for a couple of $$ a bag. My goal is to get rid of the two 30 gallon Rubbermade tubs I have inthe store room. That whole room needs cleaning and I can't even get in there conmfortably with those tubs in the way.

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