Thursday, April 9, 2009


Yep, went over the site and actually tried to buy some books, but they no longer give a subscriber discount. So I'm going seaching for books locally.

DH spent most of the day with our ISP and we think the e-mail problem is finally sorted out. He took the lap top into the store again to find out what the problem was with the screen saver. It seems that after a set period on the screen saver, the computer itself goes into an energy saving mode, in effect, going to sleep. So they adjusted the set period up to 15 minutes, and I can live with that.

Studio time--nope. Starting to look like a lost cause. But I did get rid of the last of the donation fabric last night.

1 comment:

Linda Mullen said...

Which site did you go to? Have you tried They still give great discounts AND shipping is free if you buy over $39.00