Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Finishing the Show Quilt

yes, we are down to the binding, but this is proving a slow process.  The problem is my arthritic hands and wrists.  So I do a bit every day, and am now more than half way around the piece. 

A second problem is my obsessiveness about keeping it clean. Somehow, I convinced myself that my ATC's for the end of the month will involve dyeing fabric in fall colours.  I must have been out of my mind, especially when I decided to do this using little pieces of fabric, cut just slightly larger than the finished ATC.  I refuse to run a full washer cycle with 4 little pieces of fabric, so have attempted to rinse them by hand.  Seemed to work fine, especially after I even did a full hand washing in very hot water using Synthropol.  And, of course, I got dye on my hands!  That isn't getting anywhere near that white quilt! And now I plan to hand embroider the ATC's!  Didn't I learn anything when trying to sew the binding on the white quilt??

I used an Ori Nui Shabori pattern to put three stalks of grain on each ATC, but the scale was so small that they didn't come out very well defined, so now I plan to over stitch them in a Tete de Boule stitch using variegated silk thread. 

As I mentioned--out of my mind.

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