Sunday, July 5, 2020

Starting again?

I've purchased the last module of the sketchbook workshop, and have read it through this morning.  It appears that my next step might be to go back to the work I did for the first module and re-work it using the information and techniques I now have. I sort of had that figured, and am quite prepared to do it--starting today.

The sketchbook group I have joined on Facebook, not connected to the workshop in any way, ( Facebook--Up for a Challenge) has challenged its members to post a short video of themselves working out of doors.  There have been several and most of them are posting a video for the first time.  I sort of see this as a challenge for myself to learn how to do that.  About half of them are using a laptop rather than a Smart phone, so there must be a way I can do the same thing.  Sort of scary!

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