Friday, June 4, 2021

Life gets in the way

 The most recent charity quilt was finished last early this week, but beautiful weather sent me outside to sit and read, and drink Starbucks coffee.  Then tiny canker worms drove me inside a couple of days later.  Now we're dealing with extreme heat and that finally drove me to the basement studio.

This quilt was supposed to be in an entirely different technique, but I discovered that my big basket of pre-cut had been culled, and I'd forgotten about doing it.  Damn brain fog!  Since I had planned to work with browns, I carried on and just sewed brown-ish squares together.  The result wasn't terribly appealing, so I added some yo-yo's to scattered squares.  I had forgotten having made these, but had a box marked "yo-yo's" on one of the shelves in the storeroom.  Funny what a variety of treasures are tucked away in storage, especially treasures that I had forgotten having.

The other techniques I had wanted to try is now in progress, but using various blue scraps, as that was the only colour left in the scrap basket.  I hadn't wanted to make another blue piece, as I've made so many.  I know that the charity  gets quilts in colours normally associated with babies-pink and blue, but usually receive very few appropriate for boys. Everything I'm making is in bright colours that I hope could be used for either.  This technique is very labour intensive, and I don't anticipate it getting finished for at least a week.  There is also a chance that I will have to buy more thread, in a certain colour, and this will require a trip across the city, something we really don't want to do in this heat.

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