Saturday, August 13, 2022

More Frigid Boxes

 Progress has been slow, and if I'm honest with myself, the fault is within me and not anywhere else.  I just seem to be moving slowing and spending a lot of time thinking and dreaming.  that having been said, I do get into the studio, and do putter around with whatever project I'm working on at the time.  There has been some progress with the first "Frigid " box.

While it may appear that I work in chaos, it really is an organized chaos.

But first let me show you the two lovely Blue Jay feathers that David found in the garden.  They are no safely put away in a special "feather" page in one of my sketch books.

Here is the box as it was when I first went into the studio today.  There has been a fair bit of careful embellishment so far, much of it by machine.

But now a problem.   I would very much like to echo the corner beading at the bottom, but there isn't enough room, as I need some space to stitch the bottom of the box to the lower edge of the side pieces.

Here I've very carefully placed the beads in position, but the very narrow edge space is obvious.

Here, on the right, I've replaced the long bugle beads with shorter ones, and I think it leaves enough space to carefully sew the two edges together.
So that's what will be done.  I also have an idea for adding a bit of colour along the long edges of the silver mesh.  But that will wait for tomorrow.  A quiet sunny garden calls me.

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