Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Yearly goals

The internet group lists are now talking about the setting of yearly goals for fibre artists. I started this about 2 years ago and have been pleased with the results. The last time I did this I had wanted to start exhibiting locally, as well as continuing to exhibit internationally--and I've been doing that. I had wanted to increase the number and profile of the sales I've participated in and--to a certain extent--I've done that.

But the end result is that I ended up feeling as though all I was doing was production work, and that I was losing my creativity. So maybe this year I need to find a balance. This will mean exploring my creativity, but with an eye to exhibition quality work.

I've been hired to teach in Regina in May. This will be my first time at national teaching and I want to put on the best performance I possibly can, which means spending the next 5 months preparing. Actually I'll have less time than that, as I plan to do a test class for each course.

I also want to take a good look at the courses I do have and maybe revise them to bring them more up to date.

So--three solid goals. It will be interesting to look back and see how I make out with them

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