Wednesday, February 28, 2018

It must be spring--more musings and navel gazings

Suddenly, opportunity appears to be coming out of the wood work.  My fall schedule is rapidly filling up with group and individual gallery shows opportunities. With my husband's help, I've been going through the items I have on hand to see what could be used, or re-purposed easily, to augment the body of new work I have.  After all, the purpose of these events is to sell my work, something that hasn't been happening a lot lately.

This leads to the question of whether to spend money on additional supplies to facilitate this production frenzy, or to spend extra time attempting to produce using only the supplies on hand.  My goal has always been the process  more than the product, but now I'm trying to figure out how to increase production, but enjoy the process at the same time.  Added into the mix is that health issues within the immediate family will be given absolute priority-period.

Somehow, I had never considered that I might be as pressured and busy during my retirement, as I was while working and raising a family.  I think I visualized myself as a pampered grandmother, enjoying family, and quietly "tending to my knitting", or quilting, as the case my be.  More realistically, I now understand that  I would never have been happy with that.

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