Sunday, January 6, 2019

Putting the paper together

The first paper piece is finished, and stitched over Foam-core, ready for framing.  It's very slightly different from the previous picture.  I can't remember if I mentioned that the small squares are tea bags from my experiments a few weeks ago.

There is another piece laid out and ready to start stitching.  I will be backing this one with a satin weave not-quite-white cotton.  some of the paper in this has been lightly waxed, a process that really appeals to me. Whether I do any more of it depends on how well the hand stitching goes with this one.  The copper-y bits are brown paper bag painted with Lumiere metallic paint.  The three long vertical pieces are all the same hand made paper, with the darker pieces being the waxed ones.

I also prepared some waxed samples of all three of my hand made papers, plus plain brown paper, and put them in my sketch book, along with a bit of the original paper.

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