Friday, February 7, 2020

Never trust Mojo!

Before I quilt the batik pieces, I want to finish the three black pieces I have on "the go".  The "Cats" piece is finished and on the display wall.  The "Sunflower" piece, which will probably end up with the title "Solar Flare", is finished, including beading, except for the binding.  The "Moon" quilt has been problem from the beginning.  Whatever could go wrong has gone wrong.  Today I started the beading, and now know that the darn piece doesn't want to be beaded.  So next was the quilting, anticipating that both it and the "Solar Flare" piece could be bound at the same time, and save me some cutting time. Well--while machine quilting, I was able to take a good look at it and realized that there are stains.  How in hell does one get stains on black?  Then I noticed that some of the fusing was loose, so plugged in the iron.  Then accidentally touched it to one moon that was painted fusible web, and burnt off a section of it.

So how to make lemonade out of this "lemon".  It sure isn't ever going to be suitable for the Gallery show I have in May--where it was supposed to go.  So I could experiment on how to remove stains from black fabric, the way I had to experiment on how to remove wax from cotton.  Or I could use it for practicing my FMQ'g.  But neither of those can be given any priority, as I have to find a different piece for that Gallery show, as I want that sorted out, given my hatred difficulty with deadlines.

My go to strategy for frustration is to head for Starbucks, and cool off.   Well, we currently have a minus 34 C. windchill, which in itself gives a whole new meaning to "cooling off".  Ar-r-r-gh!  Thank Goodness there is a pound of coffee in the freezer.

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