Friday, February 12, 2010


One of the two classes I was contracted to teach in May has been cancelled. I haven't been notified yet, but but a person who had originaly registered for the class has been told that it's cancelled. And, of course, it is the one that I've put the most work into --so far. Official notification is supposed to be by March 1st, but they are usually a few days late, so I have to carry on with the preparations for the second class. Last night I spoke with someone who has taught at these events before and she told me that the group is far more demanding than other groups she has taught for. She said that, not only do they expect to be kept active and busy throughout the class, they expect to be entertained at the same time. Almost makes me wish that the second class be cancelled as well.

Last evening was a social event at the gallery where I currently have three of my pieces hung in a short-term exhibition. I had thought that two prominent artists were coming to talk about various pieces in the exhibition, but instead everyone in the audience was involved in the discussion. As a result, it went on for ever. Listening to as much of it as I could hear, the word pretentious came to mind. One of my pieces--Spiral Collage--received the most notice. The recommendation was that it should have been much larger (it's 12 by 12). After thinking about this for awhile, I remembered the larger labyrinth pieces I've tried to make over the years. Maybe this concept is something I could resurrect.

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