Sunday, April 4, 2010

Where did the time go?

I turned around and it was craft sale season again! My first sale--a small one that I send goods to on consignment--is next weekend. I started going through my inventory yesterday and realized how very little there is! Panic! There is another small sale on April 22. Anything offered for sale then must be made from re-cycled materials, and I have about 8 small pieces, made especially for that sale. Those little guys are such fun to make that I've used up most of my re-cycl-able stuff. It's hard to stop. But I think they have very limited appeal and I shouldn't make any more until the first batch sell--a very limited market. Then the first "big sale" of the season--May 1st-2nd. I have reserved space for my full booth--and will have to fill it! I hadn't really looked at the calendar when I sent some of my newer work out to a gallery in another town. I can't get it back until May 2nd. I think I may just enquire about picking it up April 30th. Bad form, I know.
Anyway, I think I've figured out what I would be doing for the next few weeks. Not what I had planned at all.

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