Sunday, December 22, 2019

Chasing creativity

In my last post, I mentioned that not much had been going on in the studio.  I've been fooling around with some strips, trying to create another completely pieced, improv quilt. But the creativity just isn't there.  I think I've been a bit down the last couple of weeks, and maybe haven't realized just how far down I am.  So I had decided last night to get up and down into the studio, bright and early this morning.  Haven't made it yet, and it's not looking good.

One of the things behind my feeling a little sorry for myself is the increasingly obvious deterioration in my ability to use a rotary cutter or even scissors.  Damned arthritis!!  My husband has been trying to learn to do the cutting for me, but getting his hands to understand the nebulous ideas in my mind is a bit of a stumbling block.  We're determined to beat this problem, as he enjoys being somewhat on his own, to watch what he wants to watch, while I slave away at the sewing machine.  It's really in his best interest to sort this out.

But now Christmas has caught up with us.  For the last 3-4 years he has wanted mincemeat tarts.  We've tried several purchased ones, even going to out of the way, small bakeries in the search. Yesterday was the final straw.  We bought him two lovely looking tarts, in a very popular bakery, on the other side of the city.  They turned out to be awful.  So today, we are going shopping for supplies so that we can make them-the right way- at home.  

So, what does this mean for studio work?  Well, probably not today.

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