Sunday, December 29, 2019

Latest finish

Not quilted yet, but the top is finished.  Again this was a lengthy process, and a lot of work--most of which was done improvisation-ally, using techniques described by maria Shell, in her book "Improv Patchwork".  In this case, more than half of the cutting was done with a ruler, and the improvisation came in more with accepting how the pieces went together, and accommodating for imperfections in the piecing.  All of the pieces used, with one exception, were made specifically for this piece.  I had no idea where I was going, and made decisions on the fly.  These usually resulted in a frenzy of cutting and piecing a new section to be added. 

The exception was the chevron section in the middle of the piece.  Here we are fairly early in the process.  I had the Chevron in my box of spare pieces--a very useful place for finding treasures like this. If I was more of a traditional quilter this box might be referred to as my "orphan block" box.

Here is the finished top.  I will have to add a narrow border all the way around to facilitate the long arm quilting.  

Again, a piece with no yet identified use.  Some of you may remember the last piece I made that was similar to this one.  Today my sister-in-law saw it, loved it and was allowed to take it home with her.  I'm so glad it has ended up somewhere where it is wanted and maybe loved a bit.
I plan to link this thiw Nina-Marie Sayre's Off the Wall Friday, and The Needle and Thread Network.


Gwyned Trefethen said...

I took one look at the photo of your quilt and thought, Maria Shell. :) Your have taken her technique and come up with your own style. Lovely.

Laceflower said...

I love Maria Shell and have harassed our guild program head to get her in, so she is coming in April, with 2 day workshop. I'm so looking forward to it, although I have made a few improv pieces on my own, none as big or brave as yours.