Saturday, December 14, 2019

Catching up.

It's been awhile, but those two weeks have been busy.  My presentation to the LQG was last Thursday evening.  One of the ladies on the Guild executive has been working with me, for the last 3 weeks , setting up my pictures as a PowerPoint presentation.  this was sort of neat, as I learned how to use the PowerPoint on my new computer ( and my old one as it turned out).  I would run through the slides on the computer, as I rehearsed the script.  I sure didn't want to mess up.  

Well, as it turned out, once we got there, they didn't have the proper connectors to use with her computer and the equipment at the hall.  A few minutes of panic, but we decided that we would have ladies to walk the actual pieces around the audience, giving the them a chance to see the embellishments closely, as that was the purpose of the whole presentation.    This meant that parts of the script were useless, ad lib became a necessity. But once disaster was averted, I was able to relax and just go for it.  the presentation was well received and there was lots of interest in the various techniques that had been used.  As a bonus, while I was packing up, I was approached with an offer to buy one of the pieces!  Of course, the offer was accepted and the deal done right there.  I've known the purchaser for years, and believe that she had a genuine interest in the piece.  It went to a good home.  And now I have a reason to use that technique again.  Otherwise not much has been done in the studio.

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