Sunday, January 19, 2020

Moon Quilts

"Moon" quilts have been around for years.  I think that just about every art quilter has, or will, make one at some point. This week it was my turn.  

In my purging, I found 22 pieces of good quality black cotton, each roughly ( very roughly) 9" square.  I put a circle in the center of each, using a variety of techniques.  Then they were trimmed to size and sewn together.  I will sandwich them, machine quilt them, and then bead some of the circles, before adding a false back, and binding the piece.

The techniques used include rusting, painting fusible web and then ironing it on, machine embroidery, using programmed stitches, and finally discharging.  The one discharged square is second from the left , in the top row.

I used a stitch and wrap Shibori technique to get the piece ready for discharging, but the dense wrapping made discharging with a discharge paste unworkable, and I had to use bleach.  I don't like using bleach as it is so much more difficult to control.  The piece above turned out well, but, unfortunately the other two pieces I tried--didn't.  The bleach "wicked" into the surrounding fabric to the extent that the pieces were not usable.  But, oh my, how very pretty they are.

So pretty, that I have now done four more the same way and am waiting for them to dry, so I can see if there might be 5 usable  squares that would work into another piece entirely. Maybe a table runner??  I'll let you know how that works out in another post.

I plan to link this with Nina-Marie's Off the Wall Fridays, and The Needle and Thread Network.

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