Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A birthday Gift

I had a significant birthday last week, and my Dear Husband knew that I was feeling my age, when thinking about the event. The dear man had been putting away a few dollars every week for about 3 months, toward a short vacation we had arranged, that then got cancelled with the Covid19 problems.  So he gave me the cash, to use as I chose. 

There were a lot of things I could have spent it on--food, clothes, a spa day etc, but I finally settled on taking a comprehensive sketchbook development  and use workshop, offered over the internet by Design Matters TV.  This will be only the second, in depth, internet workshop I've taken.   I have most of the supplies, and others are included in cost of the workshop. The workshop comes in 4 distinct modules, and I can take one or all of them, in my own time, with a fair bit of support.  

I'll keep you all informed of my progress.

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