Tuesday, April 10, 2007

what next?

The past few months have been very busy for me, and now I have no urgent pending shows or sales, and I don't know what to do with myself!! There are shows coming up, and, of course, I have nothing ready to show, so maybe the problem is getting my a** in gear and get down to business. But it's spring, (I think, at least the calendar says it's spring, --I'm still wearing a parka) and I want to walk in the flowers, and smell the fresh air. (Maybe next month.) The down side of spring is spring cleaning, and as I look around there sure is that to be done. There is nothing like sunshine coming in through a window to show the dust that has accumulated over the past few months. My biggest job will be taking down all of the Venetian blinds and washing them. It's a "once a year" task and one I dread. The new rugs are now about 16 months old and may be due for a cleaning. We've noticed the area rug in the basement is looking a little shabby. So many things to keep me from my needle work! Or maybe the house work is just an excuse not to get down to business with my needle work. I'll let you know which one comes out on top.

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