Friday, June 29, 2007

Got in again!

I have been working very, very hard lately and recently I've had three major projects go wrong. I have to wonder if the stress of trying to do too much, and to meet deadlines, is interfering with my creativity. Technically, things are going well, it's more in the design and creative area where I'm having problems. I recently found a list of 20 creative exercises that are supposed to help a textile/fibre artist learn and grow, but half of them don't make any sense to me. I honestly don't know what the words mean. So, I'm going to give myself a holiday and not attempt anything serious for the next few days. I actually spent the morning making jam! Now I'm thinking of going to the library and finding some simple books on design and creativity, in hopes that they might clarify the list of exercises, but they are going to have to be fun. No serious work for me.

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