Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dancing Muse

yes, she is. The ideas just keep coming! I can't get them on paper fast enough!

The photography didn't work out. I really need to play with my lighting, expecially given that I need to start to use one consistent type of light source, rather than the two I've used up to now. The fusing/piecing for Rock Face is done. I'm not really happy, but I'm not sure how to change anything. I believe that I should be able to modify it with some carefully planned quilting. This will be a bit of a stretch for me--up to now, my quilting has "just happened".

Last evening, a friend gave me some pieces of paper she acquired while in Japan. I'm interpreting this as a "sign". Over the past week my mind has kept going back to some ideas I've had for collages that would be much more paper based than fabric based. Now I have a few pieces of very special paper to use. This has beeen a recurring thought for about a year, and it makes me wonder if I may be moving into a different phase of my art work. This isn't necessarily a Bad Thing, but rather something I've been fighting for awhile. Maybe the gift of paper is telling me to stop fighting.

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