Friday, October 21, 2016

and which way is up??

Just when I thought things were under control, my husband suggested that we go through some of the finished hangings that are stored in the basement, and see if we could dispose of any of them so as to get rid of the clutter. I really, really didn't want to do that, but recognized that it was part of a long term ( very, very long term, IMHO) plan to simplify our lives. We were able to find several, enough, in fact, to reduce the stash to two wrapped rolls that will easily fit in one trunk.  Most of the others will be re-purposed into smaller more functional items like tote bags and small purses. These have sold well over the years at craft sales and informally to friends.  So my next task was to find some sort of sale, which I did.  OMG!  In three weeks!!! So starting yesterday, and continuing into the near future, I will be chained to my studio re-configuring precious intensely worked art-quilted hangings into items that will --hopefully--sell for a pittance.  The option was to donate them to a thrift store which would have broken my heart.  At least, if I do make any money, I can spend it on supplies to make more.

Isn't that the definition of insanity?  To keep doing the same thing over and over again and think the results will be different?

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