Thursday, July 19, 2018

New starts

The physical problems continue.  Last time I was into Urgent Care, we joked about "Frequent Flyer Miles".  However, things are settling down, and with the completion of the last piece, as mentioned in my last post, it's time to move onto something new.

But that can be a two edged sword.  There are so many ideas in my mind, both "arty" and "quilt-y".  I have finished four charity quilt tops, and matched them with batting.  Now I have to find backing, and actually quilt the darn things.  But I also bought a dress, that needs a casual handbag, and I'm looking at a "Hobo" bag.  There aren't any commercial patterns that I can afford, so I've had to design my own.  Did so, and made a muslin, that appears workable, but settling down to actually make the thing is going to take a bit of time. There is a small hanging with beading half done.  Uh Huh.....  

There is also a Craftsy class, partially finished, which opens up a whole new direction for my work, and one I want to explore.  I have started gathering supplies for that.  Oh Dear.

And today I felt the urge to think about trying some hand embroidery. Not something to be started lightly, given the arthritis in my hands.  So I dug out a major project that I've kept tucked away for about 12 years.  There are two parts to it, either of which could be finished on its own.  All of the hand embroidery is finished on one part, and all of the thread and fabric is there for the second.  Maybe a few days spent on some complicated finishing would cure me of any desire to go further.

As a result of all this, my studio is in chaos.

It feels like I'm spinning around in a circle, with too many options and not enough time.  I get so excited about all of these projects, and keep running off on a tangent, and accomplishing nothing. Time to sit down with a cup of tea and develop a plan for all of this exciting work.  Perhaps the first item on the list would be to tidy the studio.  Just eliminating the chaos would help me feel in control.

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