Friday, July 6, 2018


I spent quite awhile talking about the piece, but never showed  a picture of the final design.  I hope you can read all of the lozenges in the larger picture.

I had originally planned on the title "  Shadows of my Mind", but that no longer feels appropriate. There are a a lot of emotions pulling at me right now, as I deal with frequent, emerging, physical issues.  One has been the emergence of what may become chronic pain.  We have found a medication that is appearing to control a good portion of it, with the rest being bearable.  But I keep asking myself "what next?"  All the while that I've been attending medical appointments and juggling meds, I have found peace and relaxation working on this piece.

I'm now considering, seriously, giving it the title of " Living with the Pain".  A few years ago I did a piece titled " Caging the pain", when I was dealing with the aftermath of bilateral knee replacement surgery.  So maybe I am starting to develop  a series, as a reflection of my physical journey.  

Over the past few years, I have seen a change in my art.  No longer am I producing pretty, technically challenging, sale-able pieces, but rather I've been moving in the direction of more concept pieces.  This was certainly true in the two pieces I entered in the  show Prairie Perspectives, currently  travelling throughout the Province of Manitoba.  This piece supports that change.  Something to think about, and I can't yet determine if this is a positive or negative change, or if it just represents growth in my art.

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