Thursday, July 26, 2018

Working through the list

Tuesday was a wonderful day. A friend and I visited the Winnipeg Art Gallery to see the exhibition "Summer with the Impressionists".  This was really a once in a lifetime opportunity,  and well worth the time.  I recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity to see it.

Meanwhile I've been working through the list of projects that have accumulated over the last while.  At the same time, under hubby's encouragement, I've been slowly working on the cull and purge task that is constantly with me.  One of the things I recently found was this collection of metal bell pull hardware.  The largest piece is 12", and the smallest 4", not really something that would likely be used in quilting.

But one of these was perfect for the piece I finished yesterday.  Several posts ago, I spoke of a marge Shibori mandala that I ended up cutting into smaller pieces.  This piece is 8" by 26", and I'm very pleased with how it turned out, especially after I used some of my very special beads in it.  I think this will work well for the exhibition I have coming up in September.  I have titled the piece "Autumn", in an acknowledgement of the colours and leaf stamps used.

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