Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Different activity this week

We've had family visiting from Ontario.  My sister from Sundridge has been here, and the whole family from both Winnipeg and Neepawa have been getting together to visit and eat.  At out age, one never knows whether a visit may be the last, so we really make a big deal of it.  But the two of us have also spent a little time in the studio,  Since I can always talk ad stitch, a few more of the leaves have been beaded, and even a few of those pesky strips sewn onto the background, for the current piece I'm making.

I'm more than half way in terms of sewing the strips to the background, and well pleased with the result.

A few of the leaves to be appliqued to the finished strips have been beaded and lots more to do.

And here is part of the family, too busy eating to even look at the camera and say "cheese"

I plan to link this to The Needle and Thread Network.

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