Friday, July 12, 2019

Internet workshop finished

I have worked my heart out at the sewing machine with each lesson, of my workshop with Elizabeth Barton through the Academy of Quilting.  I  believe I learned a lot with each, but  I didn't learn how to correct my life-long problem with value, although that certainly wasn't on the curriculum!  I learned that, no matter how much I work with paper and pencil, there turns out to be very little correlation between the diagrams and designs I make and what I actually stitch.  Probably the best thing I learned was to "loosen up".  I have been a perfectionist with my fibre work for almost the whole 60 years I've been at it.  That wasn't exactly an advantage in a workshop titled "Mod Meets Improv".  But, at the same time, the exacting machine skills I've learned over the years, made working in an improv way easier.  I never expected that.  I now feel somewhat comfortable with the whole concept, and anxious/willing to delve into it some more.  To that end, I've ordered a couple of books via Amazon, and plan a whole lot more experimentation.

Here's a couple of my experiments.

I plan to link this with Nina-Marie Sayre's Off the Wall Friday, and The Needle and Thread Network.

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