Thursday, August 1, 2019

Another purge

With all of the fabric I've purchased, I need to get rid of some of the crap in the studio.  This job has needed to be done for some time.  To make a point to myself, the first item was to go through some old and very old work, and cut it up for the garbage.  I usually start with that distasteful job as it sets the mood of ruthlessness needed for the job ahead.

After that, I tackled my project containers.  Each planned project is carefully set up in a plastic scrap booking 12 by 12 container.  Every needed or expected to be needed bit of fabric, thread, and embellishment is put in one place.  Sometimes the whole thing is ultimately forgotten.  Today those were dealt with.  What has potential use is kept, but other things go through the traditional "keep, donate or toss" ritual. I now have 8 empty containers.  Embarrassing!

Next will be the hand dyed fabric.  But first, a cup of tea.

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