Saturday, November 9, 2019

Not much action lately

There have been two major projects on my mind, and neither of them involve studio work.  One is a major organizational project for a group I volunteer with, and the other is a presentation on "Embellishment", complete with photos and a screen presentation, as it will be a fairly large audience.

Add to this a major computer fail, and the acceptance of the need for a new one.  We've all heard of lists of the most stressful events in one's life--divorce, death, moving etc, but I don't remember reading about computer fails in any of those lists. Buying a new laptop was simple, but add to that data transfers, and then the need to set up the new one--I've done nothing much else for the last three days.

However, my DH and I did take a few minutes for some R&R, and ended up at a small casino out of town.  A nice buffet lunch, a few minutes at the penny slots, and off home with more than we started with.  My habit when something like that happens is to take a little of the money, and spend it foolishly.  This is one thing that lottery winners are told to do.  Well, I spent more than I should have, and here is the result.  Does this look like $130.00 worth of Beads?  they are all metallic, and all but two of the tubes are manufactured by Miyuki. The bobbins of bead thread contain my favourite go-to thread--not cheap. So I understand the cost, but still feel a little guilty.  As my husband says "you have enough beads at home for a store, why do you need these?"  Don't care.  He can spend the rest on furnace filters, but these are mine!

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