Sunday, November 28, 2010

Time to start doing, not learning

Just have to accept that it's time to move on, and stop taking clases. Time to actually produce something. The silk painting class was difficult. The teacher, who normally lectures to university students, had left preparation for the class to the last minute, so was operating on very little sleep--if any. University lectues are quite different than adult education classes. In adult education I expect more of an interactive approach--not do it this way and don't ask questions. I made the mistake of asking a question, and was told that she had been doing this since 1994 and her way worked. She said that she painted her silk because dyeing it involved setting it up in a large canner and finding some way to suspend the fabric so that it could be steamed for 4 hours. No Canadian source for supplies?! No place in Winnipeg to buy silk?! Say What?? I've dyed silk fabric and silk roving both in the microwave ( 1 minute)using an acid dye, and flat on a table using Procion MX--both with excellent results. And so we went on. For most of the class, I fought to keep from saying anything more, although, at one point, I did have to ask an appropriate question. My quandry now is whether I go back for the second half of the class.

So comes the question--Should I be taking classes? Am I a "bad" student? I've certainly been enjoying the painting classes I've been taking, but the last one is on Wednesday. Part of the rationale for my "Sabbatical" has been to re-discover my muse. So, yes, I should be trying to produce. But I can continue to produce paintings as well as fibre pieces.

There is a second question as well. What sort of teacher am I? Am I receptive to questions and other ideas? I hope so, unless it reaches the point of interrupting the class. Do I arrive at class well-rested and prepared? Not always, as I never believe that I'm totally prepared, but I certainly try to be well rested and ready to perform (Yes, teaching is performance art--IMHO). Recently, I was talking to a friend, who is well-experienced in teaching adult level classes at a national level. I expressed concerns about my teaching methods, as I've noticed that there have been times when I have taught once and never been invited back. She recommended working some humour into the class (performance)

So, my introspection and procrastination continues.

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