Thursday, August 30, 2018

A little good, a little bad

The over-dyed piece I mentioned in my last blog, was finished in time to hang with the show I mounted today in Pinawa.  Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and didn't get a picture.  The reaction from all of those in the gallery ( which was open at the time) was positive, and I think it may have been sold before I even left the building.  I knew it was going to be well received, but had underestimated the positive response it got.  That's not to say that  the rest of my pieces weren't well received.  I think it's going to be a good show.  Two of my friends are also exhibiting at the same time, but only one was hanging today.  From what I saw of her art photography,  she will be well represented as well.

The other piece I spoke of, inspired by the work of Beryl Taylor, did not go well, and I've put it away for now.  It seemed to want to go in a direction I didn't care for.  I know one should always listen to what pieces have to say for themselves while they're being created, but I felt that it was  a road I had traveled before, and had never been happy with.  Too formulaic, and not "my" art. 

Other bad news is that my physical problems are worsening, rather than getting better.  The pain is as bad, if not worse, than before, and my upper limb strength increasingly poor.  I have a feeling that I'm may have to stop all studio work for a period, certainly cutting fabric, by any whatever means.  I have time-limited requests for production of some of my "bread and butter" items,  but may have to let them go.  Won't do my reputation much good.  The thought of having more free time, scares me, as I have no idea how I might fill it.  I might even be forced to do some housework, and that would never make me a "happy camper".

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