Saturday, March 19, 2022

Another Challenge

 So, I have experience an art-related challenge, and survived.  What's been learned?

Doing this and posting about it makes me accountable for everything that I think is worthwhile in the studio.  The actual post serves to clarify my thinking and force me to make a concrete decision about the direction my work is going.  

I'm of two minds about whether setting a minimal amount of time, that must be worked every day, in order to count as completing a portion of my challenge.  I say this because a good portion of my planning and problem solving, occurs while I'm getting to sleep.  It's really surprising how often I think about a problem before sleeping, and then wake up the next morning with the solution to the problem in my head.  I've reached a point where I'm starting to rely on this, and see it as a necessary part of my creative process.

The next challenge will be an effort to address the problem of how much time I spend thinking about how to reduce my store of supplies to a more manageable size. This is really preying on my mind. I plan to spend a few moments every day sorting the items in one cupboard, shelving unit, or cabinet.  I plan to seriously purge, but also to clean.  Right now my whole studio needs a good cleaning, and there is no way this could be done in one fell swoop.

There is a second consideration. I have quite a few small finished items that could be sold, but there aren't enough of any one item to make the effort worth considering.  But, I have been invited to participate in a small craft show, with a group of crafters I belong to, at the end of April.  I'm welcome to use a table or even share a table, at no cost.

If I could gather together all of the small items that I have, it might be worth my while, even if I put distress level prices on them.  They aren't going to sell in my storage room!

So, I have plan.  As I have an out-of-town meeting tomorrow, the challenge starts Monday.

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