Sunday, January 16, 2011


I notice that I have a couple more followers. A pleasant surprise!

I'm determined to continue with my painting classes, despite the broken arm. The first one, last Wednesday went fairly well. The paint got on the canvas, and not too much on me. Which paint to put where is always a problem and has nothing to do with which hand I use. So yesterday, I had a little homework to do. I've now decided that my "crap quota" is much higher with paint than with fabric. The class piece that I finished is pure crap. I'm supposed to take it back next week for a critique, and then next week's project is to paint the same picture/subject again with the opposite colour family. The subject is snow, and the piece I did is in yellows and oranges with a smokey grey/blue as the compliment. I absolutely cannot imagine it done in blues with a bit of pale orange. As well there just isn't enough value difference to make it the least bit interesting.
Now, I've done snow in fibre. I've had my snow pieces exhibited across North America and now have one heading for New Zealand. This subject, more than anything, is showing me that fibre and paint are two distinctly different media. My creativity, my understanding of art theory, colour theory etc remains the same ( however good or bad it might be) so the difference comes down to the technical aspect of the two. Now, --I believe that technique can be learned, and therefore, I can change my technical skill in putting down paint.
In terms of the classes, I'm finding that the less confidence I have in my technical ability, the more I'm wanting to stick with more rigid designs, and the less I'm willing to use an image or concept out of my brain. The teacher is pushing me in this direction, and I think both of us are getting a little frustrated.
I went through my photos of snow--I have quite a few--but this time I was looking for things like compostiton etc, rather than the individual features that I've used in past fibre projects. There isn't a lot, so today, on my way to an out-of-town meeting, we're going to take the camera along and spend some time in a local provincial park. DH will have to drive me, in any case, so, by getting two purposes out of one trip, I don't feel guilty about this detour.

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