Sunday, April 10, 2022

a couple of decisions made

 DH and I spent some time in the studio today.  We got my old Pfaff out, set it up, and tried it out.  It works just fine.  I think the reason it was skipping stitches when I tried it a couple of years ago, was because I had threaded the machine incorrectly.  Could I sell it?  Yes, but I wouldn't get much for it because of its age and because the lid of the equipment  box is broken.  It's been decided to keep it as a spare, as we've been doing for the past 17 years.  

It can be easily stored in the rolling cabinet I use for the Janome whenever it has to leave home.

We went through the hangings found yesterday, ( was it yesterday or the day before?  Who knows?)  All but one of them have been cut up and thrown in the bin.  My 5 gallon bin was full, and dumped in a large black plastic bag, as I type.  The hanging that has been kept will be hung in the studio over the tv, and the one current hanging there may be moved, although it might be a candidate for binning as well.

And then there was a discussion and maybe a revelation about how much scrap fabric we have and how it's to be used.  I don't feel that I've had a creative thought since I was sick in March of 2020 (Covid? who knows?)  Right now I would be quite happy to work on donation quilts.  Using scraps for these could be a spur to creativity.

That thought has resulted in a revision of the challenge.  The UFO list will now be the major part of activity.  I have both unfinished projects and 2 bins of scraps dedicated to making donation quilts.  Those two bins will be given a degree of priority.

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