Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Carrying on--regardless

 The weather decided that I wouldn't be going out to my craft group , in the country, so most of the day has been dedicated to work in the studio/storeroom.  Today I tackled thread.  OMG!  Is there ever a lot of thread!  So today was about hand stitching thread.  I went through three large boxes and two compartmented containers.  

During this "purge" I have given away a lot of "stuff", but there are a few things for which I would prefer to be compensated.  I plan to put them all in a separate document which will be sent to a few people who are aware that this is planned, but here is an idea of how I figure to work this out.

Below are two containers of Kreinik metallic stitching threads.  One contains gold and silver, and even a bit of copper thread.  That one also contains a few reels of traditional silk couching thread for use with the metal threads.  I will be asking $150.00 for each of them.

Below there is a collection of metal threads used in traditional metal thread embroidery.  Some of them are actually gold or silver wrapped around a cotton core.  There is also a large piece of gold kidskin. Some of these have been imported, over time.  I would like $200 for the entire collection.

These are more recent metal threads, mainly Accentuate, which is no longer manufactured.  It works very well in the machine as well as for hand work.  I will want $50.00 for the lot.

These are more decorative metal threads often used in canvas work. Again, I think $50.00 would be reasonable for the lot.

I mentioned yesterday, or was it Monday, that I purged my #8, and a few #5 perle cotton.  When I started both of these jars were crammed full.  You can see what's left.

And here is another lot of decorative threads used mainly in counted thread and canvas work, and again $50.00 seems reasonable for the lot.

So that is the progress today.  There is much more than I show above that will be heading for the thrift store.  My DH has chosen the MCC thrift store at Chambers and Watt as a good place for all the stuff, and they made us welcome.

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