Monday, April 11, 2022

Finally sewing on the machine

Yes, I felt I needed some stitching time, and pulled out the smallest bin of scraps and started stitching them together using a "Onesie/Twosie/Foursie method.  ( Don't ask) Worked on this for about and hour and a half, and almost feel as though I might have bitten off more than I can chew, but will persevere.  I'll get the first pile done before even thinking of moving onto the second pile ( of four), as each of the piles on the table will require a slightly different sewing method for putting them together.  Thank Goodness, I have a concrete idea of how each of these could be finished into a charity quilt.  I'm also thinking of dealing with the scraps to create tops before even considering the quilting.

Hopefully some pictures tomorrow.

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