Monday, September 15, 2008

Best intentions

While I had planned to spend today in the studio working on hangings, the sun was out and it was a beautiful day--so I sun printed. Got 12 very nice pieces done. They are really intended to keep me busy over the winter, but my hands are itching to get sewing on them. I know that the longer I can give the paint to cure, the brighter the colours will be. Do you think I can wait a week to wash them and get hem ready for use? Probably not. But it feels so good to be antsy to create. It's been a long time since I felt this anxious to get going. To slow me down I had a few minutes later in the day to get into the studio, and I cut three hangings out of sunprints I did awhile ago. So hopefully I can be content to work on those tomorrow and not give in and put the new prints in the washing machine.

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