Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We're back!

What a weekend! It was a much larger sale than I've been in before, but that didn't mean that I made much money! We covered expenses plus a little bit. After almost selling out of my hangings in Pinawa, and working like a slave all last week to build up my stock again, I sold one hanging. But my little stuff (read cheap) sold very well. I also sold a couple of matted sun prints and collages. There was much more interest in the collages than the sunprints, but if I'd had sunprints of fern, I might have sold a few more. So I've brought home some ferns andhope to make a few small sunprints over the next day or so, that I can work on over the winter months.

Anyway, lot's of laundry to do, and I need to sort everything out, befoe it gets creased or dirty, so off the the salt mines again.

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