Monday, April 27, 2009

Foggy day!

No, not the weather, but in my brain. I did get the basics of the meal done,and the kitchen tidied, but then I had to nap. Taking a nap at 11:00 am just doesn't seem right! But I got to my meeting, got home, and took another nap! We enjoyed the children visiting. The little one is now big enough to react to her sister and sibling rivalry is alive and well in that family. Best of all, DD took a lot of the stuff in my garage home with her, for a garage sale she has planned for next month. Earlier in the day, DH had been working inthe garage, when a neighbour came into the yard to talk about a joint fence that is going to be replaced. The neighbour saw the big brass and glass etegere in the garage and bought it immediately. So the little ones went home, and we were both beat (despite the naps), so we spent the rest of the evening playing Internet poker, and both came out ahead. Not a bad day.

Today, I have a lot of book work to do for a couple of the volunteer groups I belong to. There has also been a new quilting challenge issued--to create a smaller piece inspired by Inua: Exploring theSpirit of Life. Inua is an Inuit belief that there is one principle spirit that exists in all things, animate and inanimate--I think. Research need here. I have a lot on my plate right now, and I'm not sure about this one, but I'll be thinking about it.

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